Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Greek Names For Beauty Shop

Trovato su Facebook, condiviso more Friends: The author is Barbara Visicchio . I think that says exactly what they carry in our hearts, so many, in making class each morning ...
  • I go away because they cut that was my first teaching post.
  • I stand here because I love my job.
  • I go away because there is no paper to make photocopies for verification.
  • I stand here because my children have the right to learn.
  • I go away because there is nobody to clean the classrooms.
  • staying here because who does not have the money to buy books, at least be able to study on my notes.
  • I walk away before the school is falling apart around me.
  • I stand here because I want to explain to my students that it is a privilege to learn.
  • I go away because there is no room for me in a classroom with 30 students.
  • I stand here because I want to explain and re-explain to my students until all have not understood.
  • I go away because I can not accept that in a classroom there are three special needs teachers and zero support.
  • I stand here as the son of an immigrant in Italy hoping to find a better school than he had in his country.
  • I go away because I do not want risk at 60 years old to still be precarious.
  • I stand here because if one day the school will be better, will rejoice to see my children go there.

(photo by Karina Bertoncini )

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hwo To Reset Motorola Star Choice Remote

If my salary was increased five-fold ...

... I would be very happy of course. But the promise of such a phantasmagorical increase my motivation to work better?

No. I do not work for the money. Work because I like teenagers, I like my subjects, and I like to teach. The salary simply allows me to work: but not the reason I work for, and certainly there is no proportionality between what they pay me and how I work.

Therefore, it is not intending few euro more you would get myself a better job. Who does it, offends me.

I do not know if it work good or bad ... probably the quality of my work is there in the middle somewhere, but certainly the best work I am capable of! And I do it because I enjoy it, or to show the kids something nice, or simply for love. Scegliete.Se a pinch I would pay more, or more, or disproportionately more ... I would work just as work now, because I can not do better! Clear: with experience and study, I hope to learn to work better in the future. But this has nothing to do with money. In this video

(there are also subtitles in Italian) Dan Pink explains why it is widely demonstrated (min 9:12 and following) that the proportionality between reward money offered and the expected job performance is obtained only for the most basic tasks and materials. As soon as you switch to tasks that require a minimal involvement of the intelligence, the relationship ceases, and the more demanding the relationship is sometimes reversed: a greater reward, worse results!

Are you thinking what I think? Already ... the proposal of the Ministry is not only unnecessary and irritating: could also be counterproductive!

But back to the research. If the material reward is not working, what is effective in motivating people to do a better job? Intrinsic motivation! (Minimum12: 12 and following) Yeah, we've all heard about, right? In general terms, Pink lists three aspects: autonomy, mastery (mastery: I would have translated as "competence") and purpose (purpose, I would translate "sense"), and pauses to comment on the first. To us to reflect on how these three factors can result in schools. This opens up a world. I could do fourteen other post on these three points ... but I will not, do not worry ... I'm happy for this time of pars destruens.

Money Mrs. Gelmini, even if arrived, would only produce paper stunts intended to show black-on-white (and there never will? Can think of only me, so out of hand, at least forty different ways to prove it. .. without any basis in reality?) that the pupils of the school X have improved their average performance of 34.87% last year. Huge bales of paper full of hot air: I can see the books, such as balloons, fly from salt teachers, claiming the right Pence.
Poor, poor us.

(photo RAWKU5 )

Update (19/11) : you point out the excellent discussion on the same subject published by Peterlin Mariaserena , dear friend, an expert in school lucid and passionate:

I declare and are among those who still regard the teaching mission.

But for this the logical extension of the best companies to a purely elective training and educational environment is unacceptable.

Just as above and its Gelmini have once again chosen the worst way.

E not only because they have implemented a blunt logic: Some teachers are not good? So castighiamoli, and since you do not select, input, teaching staff based on quality, ability and merit in admission and then frustriamoli umiliamoli ongoing.

The road is the worst choice because it is irrational and antipragmatica.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cubefiled Old Version

aquarium and bunker

Four video (for now), four times of lessons Avenia D'Alessandro in the classroom. Find them in the side column of this blog, a bit 'below.
that is shared or not his style of teaching, it is worth seeing. If nothing else, because it is so rare to be able to open those blessed gates of the classroom, those bunkers opening timed, and see a colleague in action!
Just the other day I had an exchange of ideas on Twitter with a colleague overseas on this subject: the laws of privacy, modesty and with other obstacles, making everywhere rare and valuable then the ability to see each other work. During the period in which I did aide , I truly enjoyed this privilege. Few things enrich us professionally as colleagues to attend the lessons of good (and good ones were really a lot!).
Sometimes I think the school could alleviate those problems, if the classrooms were like aquariums: transparent. And maybe even visible from the house, the families would take a webcam. My colleague tried the professional sloppiness would have an incentive to greater vigor. The boys were held back more intemperate discreet eye of the executive. And most importantly, those who work well, on both sides, could receive the proper recognition. And advice, exchange of ideas, collaborations (not plastered by the institutionalization of "co-teacher ")...
certainly an idea to develop, but ... is just a dream?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Naruto Shippuuden Doujin Fakku

Good movement

You will have already noticed that, in the column on the right, there are two groups of links constantly updated, one under the heading "Highlights" for pages in Italian, and other "Highlights", for those in English.

These links to news, articles and resources that I met on the internet and found interesting, from a strictly personal point of view. They do not necessarily reflect my thinking: things are just beautiful, useful, or at least curious and worth noting. A wonderful and sometimes missed. To you to discover!

If you like, you can subscribe to these reports: the feed url of the collection of links in Italian is

is harvesting in English:

Just copincollare these addresses in your feed reader and you will see these links automatically and continuously.

Most of the time I spend surfing right now I dedicate this: look at what the people I report estimates, and report to me again what a nice / exciting / valuable meeting. If you want to do it in your blog, will grow further this blessed movement of good things, which is the best face on the web!

(image Gerard79 )

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Male Gential Tattooing

A major contribution in Afghanistan

La mia amica e collega Alessandra Paganardi , poetessa e insegnante di lettere, ha scritto una pregevole riflessione, prendendo spunto da un post di poche pretese che avevo pubblicato qui  e condiviso su Facebook. Si parlava di voti scolastici, studenti stressati, genitori ansiosi... Il suo commento è stato così ricco e denso che, con il suo permesso, lo pubblico qui, facendone un guest post  (spero solo il primo di molti) di cui sono a dir poco lieta e orgogliosa!
La scuola superiore copre un arco molto lungo, anche senza contare le eventuali ripetenze. Si entra quasi bambini, e many of the males are very, very different and of course it comes out even more autonomous, more unsustainable fferenti a necessarily rigid rules. Subject to the formality of signing the warrants to "age" (often mere legalization of lax bigiata) rules are exactly the same in almost 14 years and 20 or more. same checks, same prohibitions, the same unhealthy environments that often barely have time to go to the toilet in six hours, the same turnover of material which requires in a single day to be ready on Kant, Manzoni, Shakespeare, electromagnetism and derivatives.
A heavy curriculum where the teacher must create a miracle to transform heterogeneous classes, and with great motivation tips, detachments in almost homogeneous, culturally or fake agguerritissimi such. This is in view of a state exam increasingly cybernetic and delicate, which will be judged by his own work, often done under the limits of the general crisis of nerves and you can tell by the frequency, of course increasing with the increase of the commitments of panic attacks, sick leave policy, suicidal youth more or less authentic, turnover of ambulances to school psychologists, social workers, the projects run by charities and discomfort many advocates of youth. The school increasingly resembles a psychiatric hospital instead of a place of shared culture and education ordered. forgot that it is often the teacher himself having to improvise a social worker, having to chase away the eternal student, fatally slowing squeezing the willing and capable. How can we expect young people to maintain a high level of interest and constant attention to five years in such conditions? The class in high school, for example, even exaggerated importance, it depends directly on the performance and peace of mind of many, so that the teacher is often compelled to stop teaching to quell the tensions that arise in the classroom ( I always tell them that a class is like a mountain climber: it takes the first climber, but we do not all one step too far, to avoid jeopardizing the excursion). But on closer scrutiny, as they could not generate tension in an environment so unnaturally claustrophobic? Well, the class group, the university, there is simply more, the boy, especially if he has not had the good fortune of having a family behind educationally and culturally aware, who has supported and helped us to understand the reality around him, instead of pushing it to a sterile docimological success that will do little good, has a precise sense of having thrown away at least five years learning the rules, concepts and strategies useless. Possible that there is a form of transition and adaptation driven, a bit 'smarter, from adolescence to adulthood? Or we want to continue to tell us about prolonged adolescence canard, canard that may in some ways convenient for us adults, but then delivered to the country several thirty-something cowardly and, perhaps for this reason, hopelessly unemployed?
(photo davidsilver )

Thursday, September 16, 2010

8 Month Old Baby Measles


There is a bit of a mind to put everything and go to school do a class like this?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Gold Cheats Gameshark Sonderbonbon


According to a recent research, people who use drugs is well informed about the damage caused to assume that substances, and considers alcohol and tobacco among the most dangerous substances (Drug users know from Their stuff )
This figure explain the failure of any systematic campaign of information and education "organized by schools and other stakeholders, aimed at teenagers, to induce them to desist from risky behaviors (alcohol, drugs, AIDS, dangerous driving, etc...)

The figures tally with the observations that I made based on my modest experience: as I teach science, I often directly address these information programs, nelle scuole in cui lavoro. Di anno in anno essi diventano più numerosi, più multimediali, più coinvolgenti... e anno dopo anno osservo sui visi dei giovani destinatari la stessa bonaria indifferenza, lo stesso paziente distacco, lo stesso ironico scetticismo. Un unico, grande fumetto esce dalle loro teste: «Sempre meglio che far lezione, ma... che palle!»

Puntare tutto sulla paura delle conseguenze negative serve a poco.
E non soltanto perché un adolescente si percepisce come immortale, e fatica a capire cosa siano davvero la sofferenza fisica e la morte (a meno che non ne abbia fatto esperienza diretta nel proprio nucleo familiare o fra i propri amici intimi). Intendiamoci: non sto dicendo che campagne, corsi, dépliants e poster in tal senso siano inutili o controproducenti. No: a qualcosina servono. Sapere non è mai inutile o dannoso. Ma non basta!

Non saranno mai sufficienti, queste iniziative, finché non si ha il coraggio di mostrare ai nostri studenti che la vita è bella e degna di essere vissuta. Si tratta proprio di mostrare, e non semplicemente di affermare, perché i ragazzi sono sensibilissimi all'incoerenza: se trasudiamo disincanto e pessimismo, o peggio cinismo, avremo un bel dire loro di amare la vita: ci riderebbero in faccia, e avrebbero ragione.

Su Facebook gira un link simpatico che dice più o meno così: «Io non mi drogo... sono già stupefacente di mio». Well, perhaps our first task is to show how reality is already amazing on its own. We can do this primarily through the specifics of our work, we explain that matter, not least remember the enthusiasm with which from the beginning we chose to address it. This wonder is contagious.

Lately, I believe, as educators we are called to account for the hope that is in us - whatever that is. There must be a reason why we throw down the foot of the bed in the morning here, education is basically being authentic and reveal that reason. Whatever. If you have the money, money, and if it is poetry, poetry, if it is God, God

So well informed, aware, prevent, but ... there are education and prevention programs whose effectiveness compares to this love. If reality becomes attractive and desirable, they are to seek other illusory, and when you fall in love life, do not you try death.

(photo "Bored In The Dark" by matchstick )

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What Is Quadriderm Nf Cream Used For

First day of school

First day of school: surprised, dazzle them. Prof 2.0 (Alessandro D'Avena) :
"Do not disappoint them. Give them an unforgettable day. Do not ask for their holidays, do not tell yours. Do lesson with a love which you have never made. Prepare today that lesson. And 'Sunday and have a few more hours. Dazzle them with an argument which arouse wonder. Kill them with wonder! It 'starts with astonishment that the knowledge, Aristotle said, and nothing has changed. Annihilated the grandifratelli, the uominiedonne. Pass them to share with your lessons. Renew your amazement. Explain to them the infinite Leopardi although it is not in the program, let her touch this infinite beyond the hedge banks. Tell them life and death of a star. Describe them the golden section of the petals of a rose and the secret that gives you the right to love. Marvel. Dazzle. Let the eyes shine, let them see that you know why that subject taught, che siete fieri di aver speso una vita intera a imparare quelle cose, perché quelle cose contengono il mondo intero."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kate Nash Foundations Sheet Music Free Online

The liberation of the blog by Prof.

Keyboard photo © 2009 Bull3t Hughes socialization -level, exchanging hugs and virtual friendships: the typical, so ethological (and thus human) "I am, you're there?" Works just fine on Facebook, Twitter or FriendFeed
  1. professional self-promotion, finding a new job or new clients: LinkedIn is done on purpose; reporting
  2. interesting are much more efficient sites Delicious as a bookmarking , Diigo, Reddit ,
  3. Digg, StumbleUpon
  4. or the same Twitter ; photo galleries : your trip to Kuala Lumpur or Ben, the Spinone just adopted, the sweater to the irons, the book of antiques, that wonderful sunset, the zucchini in the garden ... all this can be shown more easily on Flickr, Picasaweb or Facebook ;
  5. trade small craft: Etsy is the place;
  6. graphic or musical creativity on display: MySpace , DeviantArt, and a host of other specialized social networks are perfectly equipped as needed;
    the same
  7. need to post often to avoid losing players was abolished by the spread of RSS feed readers and . clear: all this can still be done by your own blog, and in fact we are continuing to do so cheerfully. But I say that we are no longer
  8. obliged to do so using the blog.
  9. why the decline of blogging, and they appear less frequently with new post, I'm not - I think - signs of a real crisis of this medium expressive, but simply the result of progressive loss of functions. To reflect on the reality together with their readers / commentators, however, a blog is still the best tool.
(Public also this post here )

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Does Eating Meat Reduce Testosterone

Vivitreno Rome 13-14 March 2010 ... the plastic

The 13 and 14 March 2010, at the Institute of Guido Milanesi Rome, has held an event in which a number of model railroad model railroad associations exhibited their models. I took the opportunity to exhibit, after 5 ½ years of work, the model of "San Pietro Rome ", even if the ACEI system, connected to it, still does not work at all, because the rolling stock turned on plastic, on an ongoing basis, with no security in place. No accident that the protection signals and departure, I left them especially open, as if there is an enduring program. (In reality and as happens on my system, the signals close as soon as the first axis of the train, takes the track circuit signal).
The movement of trains could follow on the second panel is bright, thanks to the cards that detect the employment of the 59 sections of rail track on this plastic.
I also allowed visitors intervened, to be able to take a ride in the cockpit on a D445 ... oh yes! On board this locomitiva, I installed a camera-radio, and the monitor was in the cabin can enjoy the journey ... useless to express the enthusiasm of the visitors stunned!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cheerleader Party 1 Solutions

Often my lunch on weekdays is a package of salted peanuts or crackers coffee or a sandwich the night before, swallowing in room teachers or stop the trolley.
When I have a few more minutes, however, along with greater leniency toward the pleasures of life, I go to a of the many restaurants run by Chinese, where you can eat good food, both hot and served with smiles and care at prices very reasonable. There is a place frequented by Prof. precarious and Polish bricklayers, the preferred depth of precarious and mechanical African meeting of the South American Professor precarious and messengers, or the position favored by Professor precarious and Filipino domestic workers, or that full of Prof. precarious and carers slave. After this study I slyly raises new wave of admiration and respect, seeing the hard work, dignity, sacrifice and nobility of spirit that accompanies the strong appetite with which they clean the dishes, with the outline of the pain for families distant dreams more and more faded, the many small daily harassment.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Images Of Tadalafil E20 Tablets

Lunch at the Planetarium of Milan

Hoping to remember with regularity, I propose that from now on to link to the conference program of the Civic Planetarium of Milan, which comes out every month.

As you can see, the program (a downloadable pdf by clicking on the image on the right) clearly specify the type of audience it addressed each meeting. On

site of the Planetarium you can register to receive e-mail program each month. Happy surfing! planetario 03-10

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gpa Helmet Replacment Parts

Teaching of biodiversity in Palermo

Click on the picture goes to the official website of the interesting event. found through the blog
Gravità Zero

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Apprentice Usa S06e08


...nell' agosto del 2007, per una casuale occasione, conobbi Gianluca, fratello di Luigi, mio amico-collega, il quale mi aveva accennato che suo fratello, aveva la passione dei treni come me!

Uscendo da casa sua, notai una piccola costruzione esterna, e mi venne spontaneo chiedergli cosa ci fosse in quella letto per quando tua moglie ti "caccia" di casa?..dissi!...lui rispose: no, c'è la mia piccola passione...mi si accese la lampadina, e mi ricordai quanto detto da Luigi...un piccolo plastico! beh di plastico aveva ben poco...tre tavole di segatura pressata da bancale, due ovali che nn avevano nessuna comunicazione tra di loro, treni gioccattolo della vecchia lima!Dopo qualche tempo, I invited him to see my little plastic ACEI 2003 ... they told me that I was a passionate nn trains, but a sick man! He expressed the desire to build a small plastic, in order to move the train because he had this dream as a child! Then, after going to Novegro 2007, the first of October I decided to help him realize his dream, and the first thing we decided the sizes of the table on which to realize it!

The initial structure.

The measures of the model are 3.60x1.20mt ... 4 tables, 90x120, resting on a steel structure,
make up the ground.

Initially it was thought to accomplish two helicoids the two extreme sides of the plateau, where the convoys pargheggiare ... then their achievement being long, they decided to make two stations:
the principal of "transit", with running lines long, and a secondary head on a different plane from that of the plateau.

few months later, Gianluca, amazed at how I cut the rails to get clips, you get to put all the tracks, and build the flyover, to arrive at the station of secondary head! The choice of material for weapons: Flexible ViTrains and CEECs trade, though expensive, for their great reliability! meet once a week, four hours for little, in April 2008 we completed the structure of "rigging" the trains could move throughout the course of the plastic! The only drawback, that only 4 of 17 exchanges (nn then counting those that will be placed in the park goods and the secondary station) were electrically connected, since the cost of the engines ... it's a passion ... but it has its costs!

The movement of trains is handled by a small box for electronic equipment, which are mounted on simple Microdevice double, to give power to section and LEDs indicating the absence / presence of tension in the cuts. The tensile stress is supplied by two feeders Fleischmann, for the exactness two 6755, one of which is bought in Ebay to 29 eu broken, then repaired with a 45-minute work, which has replaced the old Lima blue (ql in photo). The control box, small in size to accommodate all the buttons for the movement of the switches (controlled now by old button Lima), will be replaced later, but when Gianluca allows you to manage the movement of its trains on a model so dreaming ...

and early summer, comes the train secondary to head with its 4 tracks and a sever, and the plan for the park goods and the locomotive shed, and begin to "rise" to build the ribs of the mountains.

In January 2009, a businessman decided to build his hotel on the mountain, leaving the highway to admire the beautiful view!
... there is still much work to do ... before you see the characters in this plastic :-)!

... could not miss a small goods yard and locomotive shed!

...nasce alla fine di giugno il piazzale che ospita il deposito-officina locomotive,
e il magazzino per lo scarico-carico merci e il fabbricato da cui controllare l'intero piazzale.

Eccola, la protagonista del plastico:

station "Valle Martella" ...

work continues and is taking place very slowly and setting the station square, which housed some convoy at the time of trial!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Best Steering For Atv

There is a future that must be borne with courage. This time more than ever ... defend Puglia better!

MANY GOOD REASONS TO VOTE VENDOLA the primaries of January 24, 2010.

15 years of center-right and Lease Management Puglia had decreased to a Wild West.

In these five years of government Vendola, Puglia has become the first region in Italy to
- alternative energy production: exports 80% of what it produces;
- tourism growth and air traffic even in periods of crisis
- GDP, with positive effects for firms Building workers
- investments and projects for young people (scholarships and "hot spirits");
- aerospace and industrial districts;
- the urban planning law, landscape and civil protection;
- completing the cycle of waste throughout the territory, erasing incinerators;
- against the law undeclared work.
- the plan for transport, with modern trains instead of the old cars south-east;
- laws to protect the family, the disabled and for the reception and integration of immigrants.
Apulia has the best law in Europe for emissions of dioxin, thus starting the rehabilitation and Ilva of Taranto.

regional funds saved from the ax of the Gelmini 1,500 teachers (4,500 redundancies in Puglia), given the layoffs at companies with fewer than 15 employees and the exception to those who had finished (see Multiservice Francavilla Fontana), described the stabilization of all the precarious health and reinternalizzazione of all those health services data Lease contract to the private sector. With

Vendola Puglia has become the scene of so many film sets, national and international agencies and has created movie companies and Puglia.

All European funds were used, and through-Francavilla Wide-Area of \u200b\u200bthe project has received € 2 .600.000,00 for flooding in via Vagna and along the railway.

Vendola President 2010 provides the following important positions and clear: NO
- nuclear - the doubling ENI Taranto - to drilling on the Adriatic coast - the LNG terminal at Brindisi -

SI - protecting the environment and the land - the public aqueduct - the policies for young people and families - the culture of acceptance and inclusion - the defense of the territory and people from Puglia - the politics of promotion and respect of powers - the transparency and legality in public documents - the fight against organized crime, no ifs, ands or buts.

The most critical of the government Vendola was recorded in the management of Health.
Una Sanità ereditata da Fitto in una condizione di assoluta ingovernabilità, difficile da curare in qualche anno. Alcuni degli uomini che hanno gestito la Sanità hanno tradito la fiducia dei cittadini e sono stati allontanati dall’incarico.

Oggi, però, il Piano Sanitario Regionale, approvato dal governo Vendola, pone nuove basi ed apre nuovi orizzonti. L’approvazione dei Piani Attuativi Locali sposta l’attenzione e le risorse sanitarie sul territorio, promuovendo una sanità che incontra i cittadini non solo negli ospedali. La nuova legge sui Consultori Familiari, restituisce dignità ad un servizio che Fitto aveva completamente destrutturato e svuotato.

Per questi motivi alle primary on January 24, you win the PUGLIA BEST! VOTAVENDOLA! The vote took place at the Fair Trade Show Francavilla F. from 8.00 to 21.00

nb: to vote, bring ID card or ballot

Friday, January 8, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Images Hd

... ... the town was founded on the model of Gianluca! The plant

a few weeks, we're working to make the small settlement, which we did not thought until now, not having very clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow to achieve it, at least make it over the hill situated above the tunnels to the left of the model.

... and after a year!
The idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I achieved and grants, looking at the walls of the streets, Via the Vatican walls, and the Ascent of Gianicolo: thus, by making what I had photographed with my own eyes, and asking for approval to Gianluca, had the idea, we began building the small town. We had in mind from the beginning to realize it, but we could not "see" where we can locate. ... the first pic, is not clear what to make clear at the end of the sever, the secondary station. ... once "brought forth the idea ... you begin to realize the first retaining wall Once the structure, we covered the plywood with the classic sheets of card stock. then so was born the idea of \u200b\u200ba small village consisting of several semi-detached houses with gardens that ... fact!

January 8 and today, we made further progress in the construction of this small town!

... and after a quick planting of several trees in a very short ... tempo son nati degli altissimi alberi da alto fusto!!!
e con l'ausilio di un elicottero, si è verificato che fosse rispettato il piano urbanistico :-) !