Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Yes to a mosque in Florence. In the center and with public money

gazzettiero The mainstream of dusts off March 9, 2011, in the absence of anything better, the theme dell'erigenda mosque. Which we believe is not even matter because it must be built from newspapers and nothing else.
In the center, with the criteria that they are worthy of the city that hosts it (which served as a guideline for the construction of the synagogue in Via Farini) and, we hope, explicitly with public money diverted to military spending, and those for the sihurézza and lottaiddegràdo . O the attendance of some "Western" from the chair.
are indicating once again which in our opinion the best position would be to piazza Ghiberti, possibly in a spectacular free-the-dark building on the east side, which houses one of the gazette in which we will not miss many.
Over the years we have addressed the issue several times, usually mocked some press release "West." It presents a partial review here of the occasions when the subject was.

Mosque in Florence. Razzanelli Mario (Lega Nord Toscana): "E 'need to think before you build it." already thought too: an interesting light on the value and cultural importance of Islamophobic and pigskin to which the prevailing "democratic" grants visibility simply insulting, read the long When Hezbollah declared war on Basilicata.

Mosque in Florence: a decisive "yes" to a central building and prestigious . It is expressed here our views on the proposals in this regard.

Massimo Pieri, Alberto Locchi and the mosque in Florence . One of the many possible rebuttals to a press release "Western": you take the freedom and pleasure to point out to those who read the no jurisdiction in matters of its underwriters.

Emanuele Roselli and the mosque in Florence . Another example in which cialtroneria bad faith and no competence to join the topic in an explosive mixture in any field is that of politicame "Western", which turns out to be the bearer instead of votes.

to a mosque in Florence: the style of Behram Pasa Mosque (Diyarbakir, Kurdistan) . Our proposals for architectural style. The impression is that they have been, at least to some extent, assimilated.

Yes to the mosque in Florence. With minarets. And in the center . In late 2008 Izzedine Elsir merely shows that the fund of Borgo Allegri was no longer sufficient for the needs of believers ...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Greetings From Doctor For Newborn Baby

Sepp Kerschbaumer, fighter Catholic

Il combattente per la libertà del Tirolo
Sepp Kerschbaumer
nato a Frangart il 9 Novembre 1913
travolto dalla sofferenza
per il giogo della dominazione politica
sulla terra e sul popolo
della nostra patria sudtirolese
morì il 7 Dicembre 1964
nel carcere di Verona.

La lega patriottica sudtirolese

[Lapide a Frangart]

Sepp Kerschbaumer nacque nel 1913 a Frangart, oggi frazione di Eppan an der Weinstraße, il 9 novembre 1913.
Il padre Josef rimase ucciso war in 1917, Luise's mother left him an orphan at nine years.
He received his education first at Rainerum, the Salesian Institute of Bozen, then at the Abbey of Neustift, and finally, after assuming the management of the family shop, he managed to finish the school in preparation for the profession of a merchant in 1927 Brixen. In 1933 he served in the military was occupying the Italian peninsula, which thanked him and confining him the following year for two years to follow close to power, along with fifty other South Tyrol.
An amnesty allowed him to return to Frangart in 1935.
In 1936 he married Mary Spitaler: marriage were born six children, the latest being in 1957. When
Südtiroler Umsiedlung put the South Tyrol faced with the choice between the prospect of assimilation and forced emigration, Kerschbaumer chose the latter, like most German-speaking South Tyrol. Like most German-speaking South Tyrol, had already returned during the war, after realizing that there was to be expected from the Reich big aid, the German annexation of the two years were spent by reference in Südtirol Bozen Polizeiregiment.
The common trend in the Italian peninsula is still to unite tout court in National's South Tyrolean activists and combatants, having fought in the Wehrmacht, even among retrieved from elders reservists, is one of the events commonly worn to test this conclusion. As you'll see a biography of Kerschbaumer has a number of facts, starting with his undoubted profession of faith to end its refusal to cut shed blood, that does not make his political practice compatible with an ideology based on racial superiority ' physical removal of any opponent. A
Frangart enrolled in the postwar South Tyrolean People's Party (SVP) and began to devote himself to political activities to be considered as a secondary activity only to this work. It seems that the little time he had left for the family and his extreme generosity with those who were in need are sometimes been a source of conflict with his wife.
Throughout his life he behaved like Sepp Kerschbaumer devout Catholic. Every morning at five o'clock he went to a church service in Bozen and in custody very often recited the rosary. Of Spartan habits and strict with himself, turned his own self-discipline and propriety (did not drink alcohol) weapons in the fight when he began to support their political demands with the hunger strike.
In the early '50s, tired of the conciliatory position taken by the party, Kerschbaumer then began to conceive what would become the Befreiungsausschuss Südtirol (BAS), the Committee for the Liberation of South Tyrol, which was co-founder in 1956. Giuseppe Togni
In 1957, then Minister of Public Works for the state that occupies the Italian peninsula, by telegram warned the mayor that the city of Bolzano would be built a new neighborhood for five thousand people.
The news was greeted by massive popular protests that culminated in that of 17 November 1957 at Schloss Sigmundskron thirty thousand people attended. On that occasion, he coined the slogan Magnago Silvius von los Trient , which replaced a los von Rom then in use. On that occasion Kerschbaumer distributed leaflets praising the freedom of the Tyrol, in contrast to the more commonly found in those years the BAS identified their enemies in the institutions, and not the subjects of the state that occupies the Italian peninsula. A Bozen was organized a counter-demonstration, during which slogans were dropped that comparing the South Tyrolean pigs: the decades pass, but the style of political communication "Western" is unmistakable at every opportunity and can not deny himself.
The actions of the BAS were at first entirely bloodless. Kerschbaumer drapes hung with red and white flag of South Tyrol to light poles and other street furniture: Once he was caught and punished with ten days in jail. Reacted with the first hunger strike. It was not fair that the Communists be allowed to display their flags everywhere, and that this was prohibited from South Tyrol.
Sepp Kerschbaumer Another occasion on which he worked a lot for the cause was that the process Pfunderer in 1958, the night of August of 1956 a group of young South Tyrol had come to quarrel with two policemen, he was born a brawl and one of the policemen was later found dead in bed of a stream. Eight defendants received harsh punishments at first in a process so fraught with procedural irregularities and form (the South Tyrol was, inter alia, denied permission to use an interpreter certified) who in 1960 was the Federal Republic of Austria to bring the case to European Court Human Rights, which declared the application partly admissible, the last grade del processo le pene per i condannati furono sensibilmente ridotte.
Le celebrazioni per Andreas Hofer del 1959 si tennero in un'atmosfera resa pesante dal divieto di manifestare. A Bozen avrebbe dovuto svolgersi l'inaugurazione di un monumento al combattente tirolese Peter Mayr , che dietro il duomo di Bozen era stato fucilato nel 1810. Un carosello delle jeep inviate dalla gendarmeria causò un ferito.
Tra il 1959 ed il 1960 Sepp Kerschbaumer giunse per gradi alla conclusione che i giri di conferenze e le azioni di propaganda avevano portato a risultati molto deludenti: la politica dello stato che oltre ad occupare la penisola italiana occupava anche il Südtirol non ne aveva subìto alcuna influenza. Lo spirito comunitario del BAS ed i contatti con ambienti austriaci resero possibile far arrivare in Südtirol dalle tre alle quattro tonnellate di esplosivo, ma con l'alzarsi del livello dello scontro si acuirono anche le tensioni interne al BAS e quelle con i simpatizzanti austriaci di recente acquisizione. Sepp Kerschbaumer, il suo rifiuto ad uccidere e la sua idea di una guerriglia fondata su atti dimostrativi entrarono in aperta collisione con quanti, come il tirolese austriaco Wolfgang Pfaundler, avevano idee ben più recise su come alzare il livello dello scontro. Almeno fino al suo arresto, avvenuto dopo la "notte dei fuochi" del 1961, fu comunque la linea di Kerschbaumer a prevalere.
E proprio secondo la linea di Kerschbaumer nel 1961 furono compiuti vari gesti dimostrativi, on which there was the mandatory order to avoid victims. The monument to the Spirit of Fascism Waidbruck of blows, until the summer and other similar actions against the symbols of what is considered in effect an occupation authority to place Tramin, Schlanders and Marling. On February 1, a charge of high potential great harm to the house of Ettore Tolomei in Montan, the objective is of particular symbolic importance because the Ptolemies, who died in 1952, had been among other things, the creator of the topography through which passed the devouring cultural alienation operation staged by the occupiers.
The police responded with a few searches and arrest. With
Feuernacht del dodici giugno gli atti dimostrativi del BAS toccano il loro punto più alto, con la mobilitazione di decine e decine di attivisti. Più di trenta piloni dell'alta tensione vengono fatti saltare con il plastico nel tentativo di interrompere la fornitura di corrente elettrica alla città di Bozen, percepita come il centro di irradiazione delle politiche colonialiste dell'occupante, e soprattutto alla sua zona industriale.
La data non è casuale: quell'anno era la ricorrenza della festa, particolarmente sentita dai patrioti sudtirolesi, del Sacro Cuore di Gesù. Una ricorrenza che prevede l' accensione di fuochi veri e propri su crinali e vette, in ricordo di quanto fatto nel 1796 dai combattenti antinapoleonici di Hofer, who had been banned by the occupying authorities in the thirties.
The attempt fails, also because of unfamiliarity with the model of most of what was humble and not at all willing to shed blood, the dead came to be there anyway, in the person of John Elder enclosure having Postal that died trying to defuse one of the weapons.
A month later, in Kleine Feuernacht jump eight pylons.
The police put their hands on some Steiner, whose car is found explosives, and through him to stop even Kerschbaumer comes along with dozens of other activists. In the barracks
Eppan, Sepp Kerschbaumer spent sixteen hours straight building with his hands up.
in jail awaiting trial, he spent the day praying. For fellow Höfler and Gostner, died in custody in circumstances far from clear in the short span of two months (at least Gostner would personally told of heavy mistreatment) came to recite the rosary crowns of eight in one day.
The three years of detention were spent first in Verona, then to Venice, then again on the Verona, working until the day he lost four fingers of one hand under a press. He endured the accident with the faith that was their own.
the anniversary of the Sacred Heart in 1962 hung all'inferriata of his cell, a white handkerchief and a red, cosa che il quotidiano "Alto Adige" non mancò di rimarcare.
Finalmente il processo fu fissato e celebrato a Milano a partire dall'estate del 1964, e riguardò oltre novanta imputati, sessantotto dei quali sudtirolesi. Kerschbaumer, cui vennero anche meno alcuni testimoni a difesa, ammise ogni addebito ed affermò di aver agito per motivi politici: "Wir wollten die Landesautonomie" .
Nel luglio 1964 in primo grado otto imputati ricevettero condanne superiori ai quindici anni. Le motivazioni della sentenza furono pubblicate a novembre.
Sepp Kerschbaumer, per il quale ne erano stati chiesti ventiquattro per attentato alla Costituzione, cospirazione politica e distruzione di edifici, fu condannato a quindici anni ed eleven months. His experience
case closed here. 7 or 8 December 1964 Sepp Kerschbaumer died of a heart attack in prison in Verona. He had fifty years and his death raised obviously more of a doubt, not least because many letters had tried very hard to terminate treatment of prisoners of South Tyrol. An autopsy performed by a doctor in South Tyrol confirmed the actual presence of heart problems.
His funeral was followed by thousands of people Frangart. With Sepp
in custody, and more than ever after his death, the movement he helped found to attack the symbols stopped and started killing people, taking a political practice in which every second Kerschbaumer evidence would not have, throughout his life as a militant, nothing to do.
Even forty years after an announcement posted on the "Dolomiten" invited the South Tyrol to a church service in memory of the fallen and Kerschbaumer for freedom and self-determination of their country.

"It is not enough to have a flag is needed if they are of men.
is not sufficient to know the truth: we need men who proclaim.
freedom that is not enough hover in the sky, the men who need to grasp, and bring them down here. "

Sources used:

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sell Moto Xr In Cambodia

North Africa and the Middle East: the lies "Western" are lies.

are big events going on, such as riots or actual coups, first exposed to the risk of hasty conclusions: the mainstream, of course, in this as in many other things is not at all helpful.
That Libya has taken all the features of a real civil war. For now allows you to draw only one conclusion is not rushed, it is easy to give given the circumstances and the material (about) human being with whom one has to do.
This conclusion applies to the usual show of bad faith, incompetence and carelessness staged again by politicians peninsular.
Equally obvious is that you must have contempt for giornalame. The compound gazzettaio persistence and shamelessness in trying every way to force the evidence to give them an interpretation consistent with the interests of "Western" and especially with the electoral advantage of the rabble government.
In this case, it is declassified to a dictator al-Qadhdhāfī payment which they have delegated work worse than dirty, and whose presence was and is essential for electoral interests "Westerners." Meanwhile, the regime -word seldom used until a few days ago for the Jamahiria Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab , instead of daily use for the Islamic Republic of Iran uses to break down-times incompatible with its "few hours "set by gazzettieri, while the occupation of Afghanistan (a legacy of a vanished world, one might say) continues to cost-digit crowds and produce only murder victims, there is nothing to flaunt safety" incidents "are "also extend to Iran."
gazetteers by scoundrels and rogues of armchair hope bluntly another bloodbath. They decided their , that the Islamic Republic by age thirty is "about to collapse." How dare the facts, contradict the wishful thinking "Western"?!
Yet the Islamic Republic of Iran not only continues to exist but continues to enjoy a rise in prestige and prerogatives which are those expected of any sovereign state , all in a context that suggests that at least postulate "isolation International "in the gazzettame nonsense now and then. And 'there are likely to exact reasons, it is good to omit special care to bring to the attention of the subjects' Western'.
analysis easier to do once again about the styles of political communication, che sono tanto sintomatici quanto diametralmente opposti.
Sul registro e sull'agenda setting della comunicazione politica nello stato che occupa la penisola italiana non è neppure il caso di sprecare ulteriori parole.
Di al-Qadhdhāfī il gazzettame "occidentalista" apprezzava fino all'altro ieri, oltre alla sorprendente e preziosa venalità su citata, anche e soprattutto l'estrosa gestione della propria immagine pubblica.

Un blogger meno condiscendente pubblicava tra l'altro l'immagine qui sopra, in cui si paragona senza mezzi termini l'immagine del politico libico a quella di un cantante amriki , gratificandoli entrambi del titolo di "generalissimo operetta.
Good. The condescension towards politics and the media "Westerners" think that today lead very far.
condescending Who does not show it but to meet electoral successes and diplomats as full bodied as furiously criticized by gazette. E 'The case of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , which has the habit of spreading repulsive images that depict him with the results obtained from scientific research of the Islamic Republic (in the "West" reduced to bombatòmiha , of \u200b\u200bcourse) rather than while attending actresses and prostitutes.

Nor Ismail Hanyieh loves to make headlines because frequenta attrici e prostitute (sarebbe anche interessante stabilire un metro univoco per distinguere le une dalle altre): preferisce che si sappia che vive in una casa, grande ma sobria e condivisa con diciannove parenti, in mezzo al campo profughi di Shati.
Nulla di peggio, per la politica "occidentalista": comportamenti e valori simili contraddicono alla base la libertà "occidentale" di dare costante prova della propria abiezione e della propria adesione ad una concezione empia e sovvertita del mondo, e devono dunque essere delegittimati con ogni mezzo, come qualunque cosa preferisca la competenza alla ciancia, la concretezza alle fandonie, i problemi ai capricci, la resistenza alla remissività, the truth lies, the sobriety of the waste, the criticism of propaganda.
When you can not say if those that "Western" considered their strongholds in North Africa and the Middle East against the barbarism of the postulated terrorismislàmiho charge d ' insihurezzeddegràdo or less are heading for a genuine revolutionary process; the impression is rather that of government assets at a considerable military presence. Surely there is only further proof of the incompetence with which the talkative and mendacious gazzettaio obtain and disseminate the directives of the propaganda "Western".

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Tommaso Villa and "Il Giornale della Toscana" someone will explain what is an insurgency? Posters

The eight little pages of "Il Giornale della Toscana" for months and months would be a step away from the financial abyss, it also about time someone or something you try to put an end to the agony so long, sending editors and various gazzettieri to make the queue for the dole. Also on those pages that neoliberalism has left at least Glene much excited at the prospect.
At the end of February 2011 The Collective Political Political Science in Florence has busy classroom in the new university campus Novoli causing disappointment "Western".
Before this nothing-at least thirty years that Florence lived with such realities without any serious friction- One scaldasedie named Tommaso Villa, which we have already dealt with here emphasizing the extreme and undeserved kindness which has been accepted elsewhere by political activists protagonists of such initiatives, he phoned in a whimper gazzetteria ritornallalegalità with even less conviction than usual, and you forget to add giridivite and tolleranzezzèro against terrorism .
With the deluge of embarrassment that he and his guests have faced in this period, and a future of anything unless it's popularity growing, it is not difficult to imagine why.
However, along with a void Macallè named Nicholas, Thomas invokes Villa
law and order because the university is a place where one goes to study, learn and grow. It is neither a social club or a house for cheap and lazy bums.
Repetita iuvant. Thus we see once again what great goals from the top of the wearer of ties and the frequent restaurants Villa Thomas qualification of other loafers and layabouts . The curriculum
Thomas Villa is available online on a website. It 'very interesting because, as practice for the "Western" not contain any trace of activity work. Nor communicates what the guy has graduated with a tie-looking well-fed and whose picture dominates the page. We only know that he was born in 1976 and was "responsible education" of a party "Western" in 2001. The rest is a review not too long heated seats.
Now, those born in 1976 had around 1995 by graduate and enroll in the university in 1996 to a maximum term also includes any interruption in the process of formation.
in 2001 should have been on the verge of graduating, even if the long and challenging courses.
At the time of writing, that is ten years since then, according to the consultation service titles thesis provided by the University of Florence, among graduates of quell'ateneo does not contain Thomas Villa.
not know how to define, if not lazy and lazy , an individual unable to graduate even in fifteen years. It 'really hard to understand what they have urgent, he and those like him to have classrooms for studying. "
Thomas Villa offers another opportunity, which is of minimal character not to say mean and miserable, to highlight the operation of propaganda "Western" are projected on features that are their political opponents, and mind from first to last word.
This stuff here, on gazzettaio "Western" is called in complex insurgency and gets a phone call or a fax or an e-mail to newspapers, which then writes up a gazette.

All other available sources instead intend insurgency as "a type of armed conflict belonging to the type of guerrilla ," which "derives from hard and unbearable oppression of one people over another, or a government on its own people. "
or a government on its own people.
Insurrection, then, is the active phase of a revolutionary process during which a significant proportion of the population, or not using real weapons and objects, however, atti ad offendere, elimina fisicamente o simbolicamente i responsabili percepiti di un determinato stato di cose, mettendoli sommariamente in condizioni di non nuocere.
In sostanza, un' insurrezione è qualcosa che ai tommasovilla dei partiti "occidentalisti" dovrebbe far andare di traverso gli spaghetti, e farli temere seriamente per la sorte della propria collezione di videocassette pornografiche.
Altro che gazzette.

Una insurgent del Fronte Democratico per la Liberazione della Palestina. (Fonte: Mizozo ).